Purchasing a heating unit can be expensive and may not have the flexibility to completely solve your unique situation. When this is the case, it’s time to start looking at temporary heating solutions, such as direct-fired and indirect-fired heaters. Both are very prevalent and reliable solutions in the market today, and it can sometimes be difficult to determine which one is best for you.
Direct-Fired Heaters
A direct-fired heater is similar to a gas stove or gas grill. It directly transfers the heat from the internal burner to the airflow. Air is forced directly through a flame that heats the air and the unit converts 100% of its fuel into heat. This design and technology performs well against most measures of efficiency, cost, and convenience. Proper ventilation is a necessity for a direct-fired heater, so tight spaces are not ideal. Consider this unit, however, if you’re working in outdoor spaces, construction sites, or warehouses.
Indirect-Fired Heaters
When you think of indirect-fired heaters, think of how your home furnace works. These units have an enclosed heating chamber that supplies heat to a “heat exchanger”. Cooler air is passed over the heat exchanger to heat the air. In comparison to the direct-fired heater, the air that is released from the indirect-fired heater is cleaner, as the circulated air never comes in direct contact with the flame. On the downside, they tend to be more expensive and a little less efficient. Indirect heaters are ideal for smaller, more tightly-sealed, indoor workspaces.
While other heating solutions exist, direct-fired and indirect-fired heaters are the most common and are among the most practical solutions. Temperatures are expected to stay cold for a little while longer, and there will be plenty of these units in use for supplemental and emergency purposes. Will you have sufficient heat for your space for the rest of the season? Call us if you need a custom heating solution for your location.